Vibez The Gin Bottanico

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Vibez The Gin Bottanico

Touch The Wood® and Scuppoz share a common vision: a strong identity, a love of beauty and a continuous search to create the best possible result. That's why we decided, together with Enodeli, to merge our souls to create a limited edition Bottanico gin with a fresh citrus flavour blended with spices and herbs. Summer is coming, Vibez is ready to make it unique.

Touch The Wood® and Scuppoz share a common vision: a strong identity, a love of beauty and
a continuous search to create the best possible result.
That's why we decided, together with Enodeli, to merge our souls to create a limited edition
Bottanico gin with a fresh citrus flavour blended with spices and herbs.
Summer is coming, Vibez is ready to make it unique.

€ 59,00 EUR

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